Sacred Heart Catholic Church

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Liturgical Ministry

Liturgical Ministries

Training is provided and you are scheduled at a Mass you normally attend. See links below to learn more about each role as you discern if God is calling you to serve in this way. Please contact the parish office to volunteer.


Learn more about liturgical roles here: Ministries and Roles within the Liturgical Assembly at Mass


The lector is instituted to proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel. He/she may also announce the intentions for the Universal Prayer and, in the absence of a psalmist, recite the Psalm between the readings.

"When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to his people, and Christ, present in his word, proclaims the Gospel" (GIRM, no. 29).

 - The Lector at Mass 2010, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, when the size of the congregation requires it. They should receive sufficient spiritual, theological, and practical preparation to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence.

"In every celebration of the Eucharist, there should be a sufficient number of ministers of Holy Communion so that it may be distributed in a reverent and orderly manner. Bishops, priests and deacons distribute Holy Communion in virtue of their office as ordinary ministers of the Body and Blood of the Lord. When the size of the congregation or the incapacity of the bishop, priest, or deacon requires it, the celebrant may be assisted by other bishops, priests, or deacons. If such ordinary ministers of Holy Communion are not present, "the priest may call upon extraordinary ministers to assist him (GIRM 162)."

- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass 2010, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops


Altar Servers

Altar servers assist the priest on the Altar at Sunday liturgy, Holy Days, weddings, funerals, and other special celebrations & Masses throughout the year.

Servers carry the cross, the processional candles, hold the book for the priest celebrant when he is not at the altar, carry the incense and censer, present the bread, wine, and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts or assist him when he receives the gifts from the people, wash the hands of the priest, assist the priest celebrant and deacon as necessary.


Ushers greet, take up the collection, direct people during communion and straighten up pews after Mass.


The Sacristan prepares and oversees the articles and elements required for the Liturgy so that all the members of the worshipping community can take their full, conscious and active part in the liturgical celebration. The church building must be opened and lit, cleaned and decorated for the celebration. Bread and wine must be in place, vessels and vestments available, linens in order, books and candles set out.  These are examples of some of the duties that are performed diligently for the celebration of Mass by our Sacristans.